“You’re on mute, my friend!” … a positive reflection on 2021

This time last year, we talked about 2020 being an “unprecedented year”. As 2021 draws to a close, how best to describe another 12 months in which Covid-19 was never far from our thoughts? What’s certain is that the IPCSA community continued to work hard, share and collaborate, support each other, innovate and deliver some remarkable achievements.

In short, our tenth anniversary year was not “more of the same”. We would describe 2021 as “better of the same”.

“You’re on mute” has become one of the most well-used phrases, along with “Can you hear me?” and even “I will turn off the video to see if that improves the connection.”

We always say that to stay the same you have to change – and never has this been truer. We have embraced and made the most of the opportunities offered by Zoom and Teams meetings, which have kept the IPCSA community connected through difficult times.

We hadn’t expected to be celebrating our tenth anniversary remotely – but, to spin things a different way, a virtual celebration did enable more than 300 people from every corner of the world to join us online.

Sadly, 2021 was the year we said farewell to our dear friends Dominique LeBreton, David Hesketh and John Winn. Each of them contributed so much to IPCSA, bringing wisdom and friendship in equal measures. They will be remembered with fondness and respect.

IPCSA’s members have remained at the forefront of keeping world trade moving through the digitalisation of processes in pursuit of trade facilitation.

During 2021, the full integration of PROTECT was completed a year early; our Network of Trusted Networks is fully up and running; we welcomed Puertos del Estado as a member and set up a collaboration with the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP). IPCSA became a member of the World Customs Organization’s influential Private Sector Consultative Group (PSCG).

We ended the year with the launch of our global PCS study, which is led by Tarragona-based PCS specialist Anna Navarro.

As we approach 2022, we send all our members and friends our best wishes for the Festive Season and for a happy and successful year ahead. We hope to be able to meet again soon – but, if we have to wait a little longer, let’s make it a year to remember by working together and achieving more of our goals.

On behalf of IPCSA, our Chairman Hans Rook, Vice-Chairman Javier Gallardo, Secretary General Richard Morton, Projects Director Anna Navarro and members, we send our best wishes as we look forward to a busy 2022 and, hopefully, a year when we can meet each other once again.

For further information, contact: Richard Morton, Secretary General, IPCSA.

Tel: 00447796334960, eMail: richard.morton@ipcsa.international  Web: www.ipcsa.international

Download IPCSA End of Year Message – 2021