Masterclasses on PCS and (M)SW

IPCSA always has been an Association where knowledge and expertise is in the core of its existence. Several organisations come knocking on IPCSA’s door to learn more about relevant digitalisation initiatives in the port sector, and with regards to Community- and Single Window Systems in particular.

The Masterclass-concept and principles are known within the Association since many years, but until now the value of this ‘product’ has not yet been fully exploited and only known within IPCSA’s membership. A Masterclass course could be organised or given upon request, thanks to the huge efforts of our Ambassador Hans Rook in this regard.

In 2024 a specific ‘Product package’ will be developed where a complete educational program will be set up consisting of several individual courses, with choice for online webinars or in-person classes, covering a diverse range of topics.

These Masterclasses will be a paid product, but details will be worked out for having a separate set-up towards Members and non-Members.

Based upon above principles in the first months of 2024 the product will be shaped in a concrete program. It is the Association’s intention that during the year a few of these Masterclasses will be ‘piloted’ to see if the concept and the product works, possibly if some finetuning should be done before we will further roll it out towards a broad(er) audience worldwide.

For more information, please contact Hans Rook, IPCSA Ambassador: