IPCSA Overview



IPCSA and its members play a vital role in global trade facilitation.  Our members are Sea and Air Port Authorities, Port Community System Operators for both sea and air, and Single Window Operators.

The electronic exchange platforms provided by IPCSA’s members enable the electronic flow of Business to Business, Business to Government and Government to Government information.  These platforms underpin smooth, efficient transport and logistics operations at hundreds of sea ports, airports and inland ports, linking the flow of operational and administrative/regulatory processes and removing paper from the supply chain.

A unique association

IPCSA’s emphasis is always on its members. We have a small executive team and rely confidently on the extensive knowledge and experience of our members to represent the association and the interests of its members around the world.

As we have members from both private and public sectors, including governmental organisations, IPCSA focuses its activities on practical advice and guidance, rather than policy.  As a result, IPCSA is respected as a trusted third party, in line with its community system members, and it is recognised as such by international bodies and intergovernmental organisations.

IPCSA focuses on supporting and facilitating systems and innovations for its members and their users, and promoting the use of international data standards in sea and air ports, at border crossings and via Single Window systems around the world. This is also reflected in our Mission & Objective

IPCSA is a recognised NGO with consultative status at UNECOSOC and IMO.

For further information on IPCSA, please contact Inga Morton, General Manager, IPCSA